A project in collaboration with Juanjo Fernandez from gnoma.org.

The ERR¬OR project has three stages:

1. The first stage is an investigation on the aesthetics of glitches (errors) in the digital media. During this first stage we will be building an archive with images, videos and audio tracks (THE RAW ARCHIVE). This archive is based on errors that have not been modified: “pure errors” that can happen during compressions, processor problems etc. We invite anyone that is interested on participating to send us some errors (glitches). In this moment we are working on finding more space on the web, so meanwhile you can send us your captures at info@jstk.org. Aslo if you have your videos or MP3´s already on the net, please send us the exact address, and we'll link the from here.
Also it would be interesting that you send us a brief description of how the error ocurred.

2. The second stage consists on the modification of the files in the archive, we will open this calling as soon as we have more space on the web (luckily a php server), this way people can download the files, modify them and upload them back again.

3. The third stage consists on making a series of events related with glitches and errors, (experiments with audio and images that have been inspired by glitches and errors).

In these events we will use the files from the archive. We invite you to join us!

Also we will soon be opening a text section that includes more links and theory about errors and glitches.

Send us your videos, images and mp3 s at info@jstk.org


Video> no more than 2 mb. Better .mov 220x360
Images> screen captures .jpg
Audio> no more than 1 mg, (short mp3's)

some interesting links:

The aesthetics of failure (kim cascone).pdf
topology of error: digital art and the glitch [b+m+n]



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